It's such a busy time here at Global Support Mission. Banquets are rapidly approaching, plans for the rest of this year unfolding, and a huge trip to Africa planned for March!
This trip is incredibly important, maybe the most important, in the history of GSM. We are going to be meeting with our current Affiliates as well as expanding into new areas, establishing new relationships and looking at bringing several new Affiliates into partnership with GSM. Another main focus for us is creating content for us to use Stateside.
We have a big dream of creating a DVD series, highlighting very specific issues such as Malaria, HIV/Aids, Clean Water, etc. In these DVD's, we want to tell specific stories of those that have been affected by these issues, what causes them and give ways for people to respond. We are also in need of creating new videos for Know.Think.Act., as well as photos for all of our needs, both pending and met on KTA. For all of this to happen, we desperately need new gear. With technology racing ahead and what we are able to harness visually, we cannot fall far behind and be relevant both now and in the future.

We are using an interesting and exciting approach to raising funds for this project. I was introduced to a website called KICKSTARTER. This site allows you to raise money for a creative project by people "pledging" a certain amount of money towards it. Once the goal amount is met, everyone's credit card's are charged their pledge amount. If the pledge is not met, no one is charged. We've also created several incentives for you to donate!
I cannot express to you how deeply vital this is to us. Coming from a film background, I have seen the power that visual forms of communication can hold. For those that cannot go and cannot experience firsthand, it has the power to convict, to empower, to change lives at a deep, core level.
So, please consider pledging. We have 30 days to meet our goal of $11,000! You're not just giving money towards pieces of equipment, you're empowering us with the ability to tell incredible stories of lives and communities changed and of hope restored.
Direct Link: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jeremystanley/knowthinkact-visual-stories-of-changing-commu
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
Jeremy Stanley
U.S. Programs Director
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