Friday, July 24, 2009

In the Shadow of the Sun

In January of this year we spent some time in Uganda working with our Network Affiliate, Bringing Hope to the Family. Seth Wood and several other friends came out to experience first hand the work of Global Support Mission. While they were there they worked side by side with locals on several projects... one of these was digging a shallow well.

Seth was gripped by what he saw and experienced on that trip. The poverty at times was overwhelming, but he found hope and inspiration in the compassion of local heroes. They were the ones changing their own community and through Global Support Mission he could continue to support their efforts.

Back in the U.S. with a deeper understanding of the issues and a new motivation to stay involved, Seth signed up to be an ally on and started an Action Group called Fighter Squad!... "to fight injustice!" The first need he wanted to take on was clean water. He decided to host a photography exhibit, which he named In the Shadow of the Sun, to raise $500 to build a box spring well. We hosted the event in our office space.

Here are a few photos from the night.

We had a great time at the event and are extremely proud of Seth! We just want to say a big thank you to those of you who came out and showed your support. Seth raised $289 but he still needs another $211 to finish the well. You can give here and help Seth get finish raising the money to build the well!

Compassion = Action,

Travis Gravette
Founder and Executive Director

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